Sunday, 19 February 2017

Song#1 Missing Piece - Idea Stage

Hi everyone! I'm finally back with an update! In case you are new here, welcome to my 1 year blog on making 7 songs to propose to my beloved! So here's how each blog on every song would be formatted:

  1. Idea Stage
  2. Composing and Arranging Stage
  3. Recording Stage
  4. Mastering Stage aka apply-some-magic-time
  5. Final Product


When I was thinking about what would best be for the first song of the proposal, I thought of doing a piano instrumental. After all, I'm an amateur pianist first before being an composer/arranger.

I actually had a few good source material from my old collections of Random Impromptu Playing (such a mouthful!). Try hearing my Random 3 below.

Ta-daa! I'd admit that wasn't very polished after all. I just made that up in one sitting at the keyboard some 5 years ago.

During the playing process, I utilised a simple Left Hand accompaniment style and a recurring musical hook (at 1'56"). I also jumped around the keyboard, using the higher octaves and lower octaves before changing the style nearing the end.

I guess this song has no conventional structure unlike typical pop songs (part A-part B-Chorus)

Next, I set about to transcribe what I recorded from MIDI into Finale, which looks horrendous like this

which is totally out of alignment (given that I didn't record based on the keyboard metronome) and looks terrible.


And so, I transcribed the whole thing again into legible score (phew!) which you can download for free below!


Stay tuned for Part II of  V for this song!

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