Thursday 4 January 2018

Song#7 Eternity - Final Product & MV

Final post. Dem feels :(
  1. Idea Stage
  2. Composing and Arranging Stage
  3. Recording & Mastering Stage
  4. Final Product & MV

One does not simply blog without intro, I guess

Soundcloud upload

Here's the Soundcloud link with thumbnail from some NASA taken picture of the cosmos.

Music Video

This time I sort of reused the lazyman project file from previous instrumentals but I decided to modify it a little. Previously, the title was static and surrounded by a dynamic oscillating ring that is linked to the music.

So, I straightened out the ring and placed it on the bottom part of the video with oscillations on one side. The coup de grâce was the song title being dynamic and changes in size related to the audio, beside dynamically changing text size throughout the song. To that end, I have this video guide to thank, like this.

However the randomly resizing text effect was discovered by pure accident when I tweaked the wrong setting after following the tutorial video. Here's the setting for that effect:

After Effects settings for wiggly text

And yea, I included the full link to this blog in this MV as well - no more question marks

Final link revealed

Final Product

And finally the final music related post before the proposal. Thanks for being patient and reading this blog from start till end  following this blog ! Hoping for the good news of her acceptance!

Thanks for being in this epic year-long journey with me, whoever you may be. I hope this mediocre blog is worthy of your time and attention, and perhaps inspire you to do the same for your own proposal for your loved one.

Oh ya, here's the finished MV

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