Sunday 21 May 2017

Song#2 All on this farm - Recording Stage

Yawns, yet another post, but this one is the hardest so far.
  1. Idea Stage
  2. Composing and Arranging Stage
  3. Recording Stage
  4. Mastering Stage aka apply-some-magic-time
  5. Final Product
In case you are new here, here's the intro blog. 


For this song, I used my newly bought USB Blue Yeti microphone (around RM500+) for the recording.

Since the song involved singing and playing the harmonica, I tried my best in noise reduction for my home setup as you can see below, which is pretty hilarious to speak.

 Putting the actual singing aside (just an amateur singer), I used Melodyne to fix certain notes and timing due to delay latency during recording. It looks like this:
The same was done with the harmonica recording. The harmonica was a cheap China-knockoff brand tuned in D and missing some chromatic notes, so I needed to adjust the pitch using the software where necessary.

Stay tuned for Part IV of  V for this song!

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